    BIM Innovation

    BIM Innovation

    BIM Now More Efficient and Powerful at Zurn Elkay

    Our BIM files now have more data, yet the file sizes are smaller, making our upgraded BIM files more user-friendly, as well as more powerful for your models. The data in the files provide more information to downstream users, such as the contractors responsible for installing our products and facility maintenance teams who will be maintaining products.


    • Smaller File Sizes - LOD 300 and reduced number of nested files
    • Enriched Meta Data
      • Links to product pages, spec sheets, installation instructions
      • Material Data
      • Flow rate/electrical usage data
      • Proper assignment of Family categories
    • Standardization - Plan views and relevant plumbing symbols assigned on all products
    • Hosted or Non-Hosted Settings - Based on architect and engineer feedback on product families
    • Inlet and Outlet connectors properly assigned and contains description and flow rates (applicable products only)
    BIM Enriched Data

    How Do I Access the New BIM Files?

    For Elkay products, visit For Zurn products, visit These links redirect to our collections on, our hosting partner. We have updated our most popular products, and we will continue to work on updates for all of our offerings.